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  • Writer's pictureMegan Shumway

October Journal

Updated: Jan 21

A soft breeze rattles the trees, a burst of yellow leaves cascade like confetti to the sidewalk.

The sun sits lower in the sky giving the illusion that it is late afternoon although it is only 10 in the morning.

A woman walks her new puppy, a German Shepherd, it stops to sniff a spot on the grass where a squirrel just buried a walnut. She tugs him along.

Pumpkins and mums adorn nearly every porch. Pink, orange, yellow, and gold. These are the colors of October.

Last night Todd and I spent the night camping near the river on my grandparents property. We downloaded an Agatha Christie movie, Crooked House, to watch in the tent. The hooting of the owls and falling acorns hitting the tent gave the movie an extra thrill. Although when the coyotes started yipping to each other across the river we shivered in our sleeping bags.

What is it about humans that we love to scare ourselves? An entire month every year dedicated to suspense, thrill, mystery, and darkness. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark told around the campfire and scary movie marathons.

To kick off the official start of Autumn we threw an Autumn Festival party. We lit a bonfire and had chili served inside of a giant pumpkin, pumpkin apple cider, pumpkin butterscotch muffins, and warm cornbread to top it all off! This is the type of party I have dreamed of having for so long. Now we finally have the community and a place to host it. I would love to make it an annual event. I already have bigger plans for next year!

The book I illustrated, Always Be Kind by Elisa Sobolik is now available! This is a sweet story about a young girl who overcomes her fears to show a little bit of kindness to someone who might otherwise have been overlooked.

You can purchase a hardcover copy here.

Photo Journal from the last month:

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