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  • Writer's pictureMegan Shumway

January Journal

For the first two weeks of January I let my mind rest. I only took on one small illustration project. I started using my sketchbook more to practice drawing faces and figures. Sketchbook work is often put at the bottom of the "To Do" list, but having a consistent sketchbook practice is where you will learn the most.

My two cents to those struggling with finding their "style" is to draw all the time. While you're watching a movie, be drawing the characters faces. Draw their poses. None of them have to even be good or even resemble the character. Just practice making the lines. Where do the eyes sit on the face? How do the eyebrows help exaggerate an expression? Take note of these things in real life too.

I heard another artist talking about finding style. She said "Your style is something only you can come up with. It is how your brain interprets the thing in front of you. You can't copy someone else's style because it isn't coming from your own mind." Of course you can take inspiration from other artists, we all do. It is even recommended to practice the techniques of other artists. Eventually your hand will start making strokes in only a way that YOU can.

Do you have a word of the year? My word is "Intention" I want to make a point to be mindful about the choices I am making. Some of those things are:

- Get up with my alarm. I have a book on my phone that I read to help wake myself up.

-Go for a walk or run in the morning. I started doing this because I wanted to get out of the house and I ended up doing it everyday and have been for the last three weeks.

-Cook good food. I am making intentional choices at the grocery store based on practices that I think will benefit my body and the earth the most. This looks like choosing U.S. grown foods, more vegetable ingredients, picking local dairy over store brand dairy.

-Start making art that reflects my values. I am not going to make art of "popular" things because I think that is what will sell. I hope to complete a few new portfolio pieces this year.

-Stop scrolling. I start doom scrolling when I want to avoid real life. I started taking Spanish lessons on Duolingo almost 4 years ago and have been consistent with it on and off, I hope to be more consistent this year. I started practicing my cursive again. Lettering is sometimes useful in illustration and I one day want to make pretty greeting cards.

Three Things I Have Been Enjoying Lately:

-English muffins with goat cheese and jam. We have a hoard of blueberry jam from the summer that needs to go to good use!

-The Bad Broadcast (still) I am really not into pop culture, so this podcast helps keep me in the "know" and I have a good laugh.

-Lighting my rose & cedar scented candle in my office every morning. WOW. This was a Christmas gift and I will definitely be buying again when it burns out.

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