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  • Writer's pictureMegan Shumway

February Journal

The February thaw reveals the dormant foliage once laced in pretty white crystals. They are now grey. A monochromatic landscape against a matching grey sky.

Grey, grey, grey.

The weather is neither cold nor warm. The sun peeks out behind the low, low clouds in mid-morning, then is hastily covered up again after noon. A mean trick to make you think that today might be anything else than grey.

The birds and squirrels chit chat in the branches, now that there is a place to sit. Seeds and nuts and whatever else they had hidden beneath the snow is now available to snack on. Phoebe (my cocker spaniel) has situated herself by the back door hoping I will open it to let her chase those squirrels.

To pass the time I have been steadily working on a sawtooth star quilt. Most of our belongings are still tucked away in a storage unit in Oregon, including my sewing machine. Because of this I have been stitching each block by hand. It is definitely a slow process, but somewhat relaxing and meditative. All of my supplies are in a little wicker basket that I take with me to watch t.v, sit in front of the fire, or in bed. I have actually been looking forward to it more than drawing lately!

I also started brainstorming a seed shopping list for the flower garden we will plant this spring! Last year I grew zinnias for the first time and loved being able to spend time among the flowers and butterflies all summer long. The success of last year's flower garden gave me the confidence to expand my skills. This year I will try planting

-Shasta Daisy

-Bishops Flower

-White sunflowers




-New Variety of Zinnia

These seeds will be ordered next month, in March, then started in the greenhouse around the beginning of April. Then, hopefully in the ground by mid-May!

This year one of my art goals was to be more messy with my illustrations. I am prone to obsessing over symmetry and clean lines. Last month I discovered Julia Dreams Co. an artist who also creates hyper-realistic brushes for Procreate. Once I learned she made a realistic gouache set, I was immediately inspired! I have been practicing chunky lines and layered textures without the fear of wasting precious paper or paint. (A fear I will work on next year maybe.)

I downloaded the brushes from her Etsy shop (they are 40% off right now)

I have been chipping away at a little Valentine's Day collection, which will all be posted on my Instagram and Facebook pages!

1.I started reading Tom Lake by Ann Patchett Maybe it's because it takes place in the Upper Midwest or that she has three daughters (I am one of three daughters) or because it takes place on a farm. Something about it feels nostalgic and I can't put it down.

2. Warm drinks. I surprised myself with this one because I am an iced drink girlie all year round. Until, I found the PERFECT cappuccino mug on clearance at World Market and it's all I want to drink out of.

3. Heated Blankets. This is not revolutionary and I'm probably late to the game. Our new nighttime routine is to open all the windows in our bedroom to let in all that crispy, cold winter air while layering the electric blanket, hot water bottles, and heated rice bags under the blankets of our bed. WOW. Once we are ready to actually fall asleep we close the windows and enjoy our cozy, cozy, blankets.

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