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  • Writer's pictureMegan Shumway

April Journal

These spring months are flying by!

This month Todd finished his last class for law school and it set to graduate in May! We are both excited to start a new chapter in our life.

Which leads me to what this month’s journal is about….

We’re moving!

Never did I think we would be moving from Oregon. For the first 8 months of living here we had the best time. We got to know the families in our new church, Todd spent time with school friends, we visited local farms, picked fresh fruit, and Phoebe loved running wild in the 30 acre dog park near our home. We had only been home from China for about 7 months and we loved trying hand-pulled noodles at the food trucks in Portland. This was everything we had ever wanted.

Then, how the story goes for most people, March 2020 happened. Oregon became a really dark place to be. From being on intense lock down to continued political unrest and everything in between. By the end of 2021 we decided that Oregon was not a place we wanted to raise a family. We no longer had community.

I have a scripture hanging above my desk that says I, the Lord, have plans to prosper you and not harm you. I keep it there to remind myself to keep GOING during the ebbs and flows of freelance work. But, Todd decided to look up the rest of the chapter one particularly hard night. The exact text changes based on which version of the Bible you read, but the summarization of it is this: The Lord frees those captive in a dark city and leads them to a place where they will prosper and eat fruit.

It was like a light bulb beaming overhead.

Todd was then offered his dream job in a good city. How easy it would have been to say “Yes” to a dream job, dream location, in a state we loved adventuring in. But the tugging in our guts reminded us that this was not the “city” in which we were to prosper.

We’re moving to a state very different from Oregon, with no job prospects on the line, unsure of where we will live and under what circumstances. From May 31st on, I have no idea what our future looks like. There have been many times in my life where I have had to trust blindly. Each time resulted in experiences that changed the course of my life for the better.

I truly do believe God is guiding our lives. He is setting us up for the best possible outcome of our desired life. He knows where we will thrive and who needs us.

I am eternally grateful to every single person who has hired me for a project, purchased from my Etsy shop, followed, liked, and shared. Because of this moving can be a little less scary. I know that I will always have a job no matter where we end up!

Boxes are slowly filling up our living room and pictures are off the walls. Our cupboards are bare except for a few bowls, plates and cups.

On May 31st we say goodbye.

- This documentary on YouTube about Alexandra de Steiguer who lives on the Isle of Shoals during the winter months. She captures the island in stunning black and white photography. It's about 30 minutes long, I let it play while I worked.

- Todd made us a delicious vanilla blackberry poke cake. We gathered the blackberries ourselves in August of last year. It is easily one of my most favorite cakes now! Here is the recipe for the vanilla cake base that Todd used.

- Bird watching. Lately there have been a whole variety of little song birds taking residence in the big flowering bush in our backyard. Every morning I open the windows to catch a glimpse of them. I also downloaded the Merlin Bird ID app and have had a lot of fun identifying birds in our neighborhood.

Chestnut-Backed Chickadee in the rain.

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